by East Indian Adoption | adoption
You’ve been with him for a little while now and you just found out that you’re pregnant with his baby. You may say to yourself, “I want to marry my baby daddy”. Becoming pregnant can seem to intensify feelings and can make marriage seem like...
by East Indian Adoption | adoption
Get a free, instant downloadable copy of So I Was Thinking About Adoption. It’s full of checklists, help, and advice as you consider all of your pregnancy choices. All you need to do is provide your email address! This book is: Handy, a guide to the ins and outs...
by East Indian Adoption | adoption
Call 1-800-9-ADOPT-4. We are available 24 hours a day to answer your questions about adoption. Whether you are just starting to explore adoption or you are searching for an adoptive family that fits what you are looking for, we can help you learn more about adoption...
by East Indian Adoption | adoption, pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy
Whether you just found out you are pregnant, or are late into your pregnancy, we have information for you. Maybe it’s your daughter or girlfriend who just learned she is having a baby. We Can Help You With An Unplanned Pregnancy We understand that decisions...
by East Indian Adoption | pregnancy
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, this questionnaire may help you determine if adoption is the right choice for you. Where are you in your life right now? Living Arrangements: 1.Could you stay living where you are now and take care of a baby? 2.Would you want...