by East Indian Adoption | adoption
Here are a few items to consider as you prepare for your baby’s arrival: How are you getting to the hospital? Do you have a bag packed? What to pack: towel, clothes, socks, water bottle, stress ball, phone numbers for adoptive family and your coordinator Who do...
by East Indian Adoption | pregnancy
During the first few months of your pregnancy, there are a lot of changes happening within your body and you may feel as if your emotions are on a roller coaster ride. This is normal. Some of your feelings may include: Joy and happiness Unstable, PMS – like...
by East Indian Adoption | adoption
Call 1-800-9-ADOPT-4. We are available 24 hours a day to answer your questions about adoption. Whether you are just starting to explore adoption or you are searching for an adoptive family that fits what you are looking for, we can help you learn more about adoption...